
GIGANT APELDOORN | 7 / 8 NOVEMBER 2025 | ­Facebook | Instagram | youtube  

Support the Brainstorm Festival with a donation


Help us to organize an even more fun Brainstorm Festival for you! We like to keep the festival affordable. At the same time we see the costs rise over the years. Think of a higher VAT rate and higher costs for the bands, who try to compensate their falling CD sales with their live shows. Therefor we can really use your support.

Good news! Your donation to Stichting Brainstorm Festival is deductible in your Dutch income tax. The tax authorities have designated us as a 'cultural ANBI'. This means that your donation is 125% deductible. For companies that are a legal entity, donations are even 150% deductible.


Gifts can (preferably) be transferred to our IBAN number.

At the attention of: Stichting Brainstorm Festival

IBAN accountnumber: NL11 RABO 0140 7620 86


Alternatively, you can also transfer your donation via Paypal.

Thank you for supporting us.

For more information on our ANBI status and for the financial accountability of Stichting Brainstorm Festival, we refer to the attached form as prepared and recommended according to the requirements of the Dutch Tax Authority.